Hit your business goals without working more

I help women in business get the MOST out of their time, energy, & team.

Tired of giving 100% at work, & STILL not reaching your goals? Discover the simple system you’re missing to achieve your targets & which superpower you already possess that will make it easy to fix!

Struggling to Hit Your Business Goals is Frustrating

If you keep working the way you always have, you’ll continue to…

  • Feel Overwhelmed & Stuck

    You're working hard, but it seems like you're not making progress. You feel like you're constantly putting out fires and don't have time to focus on what really matters.

  • Waste Time on the WRONG things

    Time is ticking but it’s not getting easier to achieve your goals. You know that with the right systems in place, you could stop wasting time & energy on things that don't move the needle.

  • Wish Your Team Was Better

    You're putting a lot of time and money into your team, but you're not seeing the results you want. You can't help but feel like there's a better way to get everyone working at their best.

With The RIGHT Systems In Place…

  • Transform your work week from chaos to calm

  • Have a clear plan to consistently hit your goals

  • Love your team again

  • Protect your profit margin

  • Have the data you need at your fingertips to make powerful decisions & lead your business

I’m Kara, the coach for mission-driven business owners

I help leaders harness the power of their team, time, & targets to get more out of every hour & dollar they already invest in their business.

Imagine what’s possible when you streamline your systems to work together to serve your mission.

You don’t need to spend more time & effort than you already are in your business - you need a proven system that delivers a consistent, high ROI in your business.

I teach business owners how to stop wasting time and energy, & transform their team into their best investment. High-Leverage Systems is for you!

Coaching and community are the magic cheat codes that the highest performing leaders utilize, & now you can have them too.

I’d love to help fuel your mission.

There’s only one of you…which is why you need


to reclaim time & energy | clarify your quarterly goals | have confidence that your team is prioritizing revenue generating activities

Helping women leaders hit targets consistently

The best teams have reliable, simple systems for doing the right things, the right way, every time. Become a team culture magician so you can enable your team to deliver results like clockwork!

Learn your team’s superpower, & which simple system you’re missing that’s blocking your team hitting goals consistently.

Ready to get the support you need to harness the MAGIC of your team? Check out High-Leverage Systems.

Community = Rocket Fuel

When you have access resources to solve problems fast, clarity that compels you to take efficient action, and relationships that lead to opportunities, you know you’re in the right place.



Learn how to harness the power of your team, drive business targets forward from a sense of purpose, and enjoy the journey as you fuel your mission.